Chrissy Hibiscus'seed?

     As an aside, I am secretly envious of David's home nursery. I definitely have decided I want to do that with some of my not-so-spare time. There needs to be more permaculture nurseries, and I want to grow and maybe market edible plants and their cousins, edible ornamental plants. I'd like to grow it from the roots up, slowly, potting up my extras and offshoots.

     It's just so fun propagating plants, and so useful if the plants can be used as a survival food source. I even have family support on this kind of endeavor.
     And when I think about how much it would cost to turn my tiny yard into a food forest with plants from the big box stores, I shudder in horror. I have no access to that kind of money at the moment, and wouldn't choose to blow that much on plants anyway. Even if a person had the money, there is no place selling all the varieties of edible plants that grow well in this area, a place where freezes do occasionally happen but there are so many plants that can tolerate it. Much more possibilities than up north, even more possibilities than north Florida.
     To be a public figure in the plant world, I would have to specialize. I would make myself known, preferably by propagating and growing out many many hibiscus' and taking them all over the state like Johnny Appleseed. Chrissy Hibiscus'seed? Awesome!  Chrissy the mad hibiscus maven. What would I name my nursery? Maybe Sandy's Edible Yard. or Sandlot Plants. Sandy (the Hibiscus Maven)'s Edible Plants.  Hmmm...

Backyard Green Smoothie Recipe

1 loquat leaf
4 red hibiscus leaves
4 hibiscus leaves
6 lemon leaves
1/2 ginger leaf
rosemary - greens from one sprig 4" long
1-2 cups cold water

optional : canna - no added flavor, no significant nutrition
     lemongrass - tasty but adds a real "grassy" flavor

     Directions - add all ingredients to blender and blend on high for at least 30 seconds. There should be enough blending that a foam is created on the top, which quickly dissipates. Then pour through a strainer into a large enough jar to hold your smoothie, which should be enjoyed immediately or refrigerated and enjoyed within about 3 days. Take the strained contents to the compost heap, give to the rabbits now, or freeze into cubes for treats for the rabbits later.

Easiest Method for Cleaning a Glass Wine Carbouy

     The easiest way to clean a glass carbouy - get some denture cleaning tabs from the grocery store. They are about $5 for a hundred tabs, may be cheaper at other locations. No specific type is necessary. Then fill up your carbouy with warm water, and add about one tab per gallon size of your jug. Watch impatiently while it fizzes, come back later when the water is clear, and all done. Sediment removed from the top without scrubbing! Rinse thoroughly and reuse your jug for another batch of wine.