Scrubland Baroness versus the River

     Collected another piece of property two miles from the forest garden. Im just going to collect lost little bits of land as investments. Well why not? Its not like they are making any more of it.
One hour of chainsawing later...

     Happened on a nice little piece of property about 8/10 of an acre that is a long rectangle. One of the short sides is on a paved road and the opposite short side is on an offshoot of one of the main rivers here in West Florida. The land was cheap; I bought it unseen. Judging by the amount of water present in the creek during the dryest part of April, I am sure my creek will have water all year.
     Went to work on it the other day with the chainsaw. I only worked for about an hour, but managed to cut a nice hole into the beginning. This will be another good spot to use those pavers from lowes.
   Someday, I get to be one of those people on the boat on the river. Someday.

Wild Coffee, Psychotria Nervosa

     I like to call this plant Psycho Coffee, because it's just more fun to say. I bought this several years ago from the Nature Coast Botanical Gardens, and it has thrived with no care at all. When I planted it back then I heeded the advice of IFAS and put it in the full shade, where it doubled in height and width and produced two seedlings. The seedlings also thrived in the full shade with no care, no watering, nothing.
     Psycho Coffee is native to Florida, and Florida is its only home. It's hardiness is from 10B to 11, but it's growing well in the full shade in my 8A front yard. I happened to be at the Pasco County Earth Day celebration, and there was a gentleman there from the Florida Native Plant Society and he had some for sale, so I picked up another one and supported the Society. I have also spotted it growing as a huge bush at the entrance of the Boyd Hill Nature Preserve in St. Petersburg.
     Psycho coffee propagates by seed, and I have found that the easiest way to propagate it is to dig up seedlings and put them where you want them.
     The berries are edible, and have a large seed in them. They don't taste good. Flowers attract butterflies and the fruits attract birds. Some say that members of the coffee family contain a hallucinogen called dimethyltryptamine, but it is unknown if Psycho Coffee has that chemical. It's called Psychotria nervosa for the prominent ribbing on the leaves.
     Definitely a keeper because edible fruit, beautiful flowers that bloom for months and attract pollinators, requires no care or watering, and loves full shade.

Morning Glory, Ipomea purpurea

     Wikipedia says that Ipomea is a large family of over 500 flowering plants, which include many species called Morning Glory, Sweet potato, moonflower, and water spinach.
      Many of the Morning Glories contain alkaloids, making them not palatable and possibly toxic. Some say that the seeds of certain Morning Glory species contain psychoactive compounds. Obviously this area needs more research; however, it was enough of a problem that Louisiana banned the production of Morning Glories outside of ornamental purposes.

   Plants for a Future lists Ipomea purpurea as not edible, but does address the medicinal or hallucinogenic quality of some seeds.
     So possibly edible, possibly toxic. Probably something I will not continue growing on in the future, in favor of better plants, like its cousin Sweet Potato.

Tradescantia, Spiderwort 2019

     After several years of encouraging the spread of Spiderwort all over my little place, I have finally achieved sizable plantings. Enough extra Spiderwort that I could sell some at my future nursery, or bring some to the Fortress of Solitude.
     I really like Spiderwort. It sprouts in the Spring and blooms for months. It is one of the few native edible succulents, heck, I can't think of another. I once took the flowers and dyed them onto Easter eggs. There are so many reasons to keep Spiderwort around. Read my original post about Spiderwort HERE.