Though I am very new to rabbits, it has been great fun learning about them. I have written up some things about breeding and feeding, the two most important parts of rabbit rearing. It should be said that I have designed my hutches for longevity and security, since I have never completely recovered from having the home break-in (plus all that other stuff I saw while living in the city.) I am also totally freaked out by big dogs. Every single dog around here is a big dog, and one came into our yard and attacked the toddler. I guess I haven't recovered from that day either.

My rabbit hutches are modified dog crates with hardware cloth or chicken wire around them. This year I have had some issues with tiny lawnmowers escaping, so have moved the grow out area to a very secure rabbit tractor, which is also dog crate with hardware cloth attached. I know it might be one of the more expensive enclosures but really, there is not a whole lot available around here.
The Ducks Who Identify As Chickens (D.W.I.A.C.s - pronounced 'duks') have an enclosure that I bought online with aluminum posts that have net or hardware cloth attached to them. Yeah the hardware cloth I had to add after the fact, after I lost about $15 worth of duckos. Then I secured up that cage. One day when I came home from work I found a dog in there. He had jumped over the hardware cloth and pushed through the net! Thankfully the ducks weren't going to be killed quietly and I think I got home right in the nick of time. I sent that guy to the animal police.
I believe the difference between a regular gardener and a homesteader is that a homesteader will attempt to grow as much animal feed as possible, so as to limit how much is bought at the store. Most hobby farms buy feed, and most pet owners buy feed. Moving away from that is where I want to be.
I believe the difference between a regular gardener and a homesteader is that a homesteader will attempt to grow as much animal feed as possible, so as to limit how much is bought at the store. Most hobby farms buy feed, and most pet owners buy feed. Moving away from that is where I want to be.