Purslane, Portulaca sp.

Cuttings of Purslane
     Today I was looking at the purslane that I bought from the garden club, and was struck with the thought that it is the end of December, and that this plant might pass away with the first freeze. Death is so final.

     After a quick search of the internet, I have discovered that there are two methods to creating purslane cuttings - that is, rooting in water and rooting in clean soil. I have clipped some small shoots and removed the lower leaves. No rooting hormone applied; and placed into clean water.
     Then I went outside and took some cuttings of the smaller native purslane, the one with the tiny purple flowers. It doesn't taste nearly as good as the bought purslane with the pink and yellow flowers, but it does grow well here.
     Then I made some cuttings of Porkchop's begonia. It's not edible, but it is pretty, and grows well here in the shade with some watering.
Cuttings, day one.