The January Garden

     Lately, I have been patiently waiting the killing cold front that will inevitably hit my garden. The cold will take out or take down mostly everything aI have plabted, particularly the cannas, lemongrass, and the new sugarcane plants. I am prepared to bring the cannas inside, but the other plants will have to make do and stay put. I have a lot of hope for the health of the sugarcane. I have learned that sugarcane was grown here in west florida north of sugarmill woods, which is quite a bit north of me.
Here is the latest picture of my small permaculture garden. Not bad for the beginning of January, 2019.

Purslane Cuttings, Day 4

     Today I changed the water and repositioned the cuttings to repair the cat damage. There is still no signs of roots on either the native purple purslane or the bought rosey purslane, but all the cuttings do look healthy. None have turned into gelatinous goo so thats a good sign. The smaller purple purslanes have curled their stems a little, unexpected, but not deleteriously so.

Purslane Cuttings Day 3

     There are no roots visible yet, but the cuttings look green and healthy. I lost one purple Purslane cutting due to cat damage, found later on the floor of the kitchen.

Purslane Cuttings, Day 2