The Easiest Way to Decorate Easter Eggs with the Kids


I was kind of dreading decorating the eggs with the kids this year until I discovered a new technique. The old technique involves a dipping process which is messy and time consuming, and you have to add vinegar to the dye to make deep colors. The vinegar inevitably makes the eggs taste awful. 

Even with newspapers, towels, and everything else you can think of, the process is a mess.

But this year I found a new way.

       First, start with eggs that are blown out. The process to create these involves poking two small holes in each egg, one at the top and one at the bottom. Make the bottom hole slightly larger. Then blow the egg innards into your favorite recipe (like STMJ), and rinse out the egg shells. Let them dry. It can be helpful to do this well in advance of decorating day.

     Then get some small, sandwich-sized plastic bags from the dollar store. They do not need to be locking like those ziploc-style bags. And while you are shopping, pick up a variety of pack of food coloring from the baking section.

     Next, put a drop of food coloring of your preferred color in a plastic bag, and add the egg. Smear the coloring around the egg as desired. Do all of the eggs and use all of the colors. A single drop of food coloring goes a long way.

     Let the eggs dry and enjoy.