Salvia splendens

     I bought this little beauty on sale from one of the big box stores in the springtime. Clearly the shoppers there had passed it over for showier selections. It was significantly rootbound, with hardly any soil remaining in its tiny two inch container. Aside from that indicator, it looked like it still might be worthwhile since my yard has been very successful with tropical or cardinal sage. This picture was taken about two weeks after planting, shocking how much fuller the leaves became once they had a little bit of room to grow!

   Multiple internet sources say that Salvia splendens is native to Brazil and is a tender perennial that can't stand a freeze. Perhaps that is why it was looked over, it may have to be potted up in the winter and cuttings taken. Salvias can be propagated by cuttings and by seeds, but some varieties are not true to type.
     The internet is conflicted on whether Salvia splendens is edible or not. I will have to try it out on the rabbits, then watch them closely for hallucinations. Just in case.