Scrubland Baroness versus the River

     Collected another piece of property two miles from the forest garden. Im just going to collect lost little bits of land as investments. Well why not? Its not like they are making any more of it.
One hour of chainsawing later...

     Happened on a nice little piece of property about 8/10 of an acre that is a long rectangle. One of the short sides is on a paved road and the opposite short side is on an offshoot of one of the main rivers here in West Florida. The land was cheap; I bought it unseen. Judging by the amount of water present in the creek during the dryest part of April, I am sure my creek will have water all year.
     Went to work on it the other day with the chainsaw. I only worked for about an hour, but managed to cut a nice hole into the beginning. This will be another good spot to use those pavers from lowes.
   Someday, I get to be one of those people on the boat on the river. Someday.