Baby Rabbits, January of 2023

     These kits are fresh outta my backyard. Their mother is a Rex rabbit and their father is a New Zealand red. It looks like there are 7 kits with two of them looking awfully dark brown and the rest fairly red. In the next mo th, I will be weaning them and starting them on pellet and green growies from the yard, just like their parents eat.
     People as me what I do to care for baby rabbits,  and the answer is not It Depends. What I like to do is provide optimal nutrition for the mother at all times and let her take care of them. I have her cage wired with barrier hardware cloth around the bottom and the lower portions of the sides, as I have had kits fall out before. This batch of kits are in a plastic basket I bought, which got a little bit chewed on he top but so far so good.  The baskets were about 7 to 10 each, I had to try something being as how rabbit nest boxes are more 25 each and only good for one or two litters before the wood is soiled. I will let you know how durable these plastic baskets are and if they are a good deal. Isabella bunny figured it out right away and lined the basket with leaves and fur, and is keeping the kits covered with (grey?) fur.
     I hope to sell them, any not sold will be lawnmowers for my yard. I really can use the additional help with cutting and mowing. I was saddened after I sold the last batch and realized that I didn't have their help anymore in the tractor with cleaning and weeding the yard. I have even been toying with the idea of buying an expensive cordless lawnmower like this one because I can't keep up with the yard with my crazy work schedule and kids.
     I guess I will sell them on Craigslist? If anyone has a better idea please let me know.